Partnership Programs

Informal education

Organization and holding of educational and scientific events – seminars, conferences, training courses, trainings at the All-Ukrainian and International levels according to the relevant short-term programs in full-time and distance formats for students; internships for scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of the public administration system and public finances

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  • Knowledge transfer (for representatives of the scientific community)
  • Technology transfer (for representatives of public administration)
  • Teaching and methodological education
Professional courses

Professional practice and training in entrepreneurship for schoolchildren and students according to the programs of European universities, advanced training in professional growth for participants in the public administration and public finance system in the relevant structures of partner countries

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  • Professional training for young people
  • Industrial practice
  • Knowledge Management (for Public Administration Representatives)
Doctoral Studies Network

Implementing scientific expertise of research developments and projects in relevant areas; examination of the results of dissertation research and their approval in European universities and scientific institutions

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  • Examination of scientific work
  • Integration of sciences (approval of the results of scientific activity)
Academic mobility

Promoting the organization of education, educational and scientific exchanges of foreign students in Ukraine and abroad, academic mobility of scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers

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  • Integration of education
Publishing activities

Promotion and publication of scientific and educational and methodological literature in the relevant areas of educational activities and development programs; including monographs with European ISBN, journals, that have a citation index, are included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases

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Programs for schoolchildren

A training course at the European language school “EMPIRE” based on a clearly defined level of proficiency in English using the “communicative activity” method for high school students

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  • English school
  • Robotics courses
Scientific and project activities

Promoting the implementation of international, national, regional and local projects and programs, aimed at ensuring the competitiveness and innovation of education

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  • Research activities
Civic education

Organization and holding of cultural, sports and recreational events; establishment of intercultural interaction; participation in the implementation of international, all-Ukrainian non-governmental and public initiatives, programs, projects