Our Team

Lyudmila Yushchenko
Candidate of Science in Public Administration, Associate ProfessorHead of the NGO International Scientific Educational Platform “UPDATE”

Tikhon Yarovoy
Doctor of Public Administration, ProfessorPresident of the NGO International Scientific Educational Platform “UPDATE”

Olga Rudenko
Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of UkrainePresident of the All-Ukrainian Institute of Eurasian Studies and Oriental Studies
Vice-President of the NGO International Scientific Educational Platform “UPDATE”

Maksym Zhytar
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of UkraineMember of the Board of the NGO International Scientific Educational Platform “UPDATE”

Anastasia Vakhovska
Master of Arts, University of Warsaw, Consultant on International Student Educational CompetitionsMember of the Board of the NGO International Scientific Educational Platform “UPDATE”

Halyna Kaplenko
Doctor of Economics, ProfessorCoordinator of the European Scientific Cooperation Direction in the Western Region

Olena Mykhaylovska
Doctor of Public Administration, ProfessorCoordinator of the Partnership Cooperation in Public Administration

Nina Didenko
Doctor of Public Administration, ProfessorCoordinator of the Research and Project Activity Direction

Olga Chervyakova
Doctor of Public Administration, ProfessorChairman of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Institute of Eurasian Studies and Oriental Studies
Coordinator of the Eurasian Cooperation Direction

Larisa Kushinska
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate ProfessorCoordinator of the direction of interuniversity cooperation of Central European countries

Alina Myroshnychenko
Candidate of Science in Public AdministrationCoordinator of Research Projects in the Field of Public Administration

Yevgeniya Vakhovska
Coordinator of the direction of organizing training, educational and scientific exchanges of students

Larisa Takalandze (Georgia)
Doctor of Economics, ProfessorCoordinator of the partnership for the development of doctoral studies

Petr Jakubek (Slovakia)
Ing., PhD., Doctor of Economics, Associate ProfessorCoordinator of the direction of innovative development of the sphere of higher education

Ketevan Goletiani (Georgia)
Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorCoordinator of the International Research Activity

Michal Varhola (Slovakia)
Dr.h.c., prof.h.c., Ing., PhD, President of the Academic Society of Mykhailo BaludyanskyCoordinator of the direction of non-formal education and English-language training in Central European countries

Badri Geichbaia (Georgia)
Doctor of Economics, PhD., Professor, Academician of the Georgian Academy of Business Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Regional Academy of ManagementCoordinator of the Knowledge Management Direction in the Caucasus Region

Kunul Khombatova (Azerbaijan)
Coordinator of Research on Reforms in the Eastern Partnership Countries

Sedat Karakos (Turkey)
Coordinator of Academic Mobility